Health & Safety
Health & Safety
Measures at KIS
The school has detailed measures in place to support student health. All staff at KIS who work directly with the students regularly participate in First Aid training. The school has an infirmary with three full-time nurses and first aid equipment which includes AED devices. To help prevent infectious diseases and as an additional measure, everyone entering the KIS campus has their temperature checked using a thermal scan prior to being permitted to gaining access, External factors such as the air quality, outdoor temperature, and weather conditions are also monitored, and procedures are in place to deal with these to keep ensure the safety of the students.

KIS Vaccination Update
We are delighted to announce that 99% of our faculty and staff at KIS International School have now been fully vaccinated.
Our Thai faculty and staff have been vaccinated through OPEC, The Ministry of Education, and the Ministry of Labour, while our international faculty have received vaccines through the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation, the Chulabhorn Royal Institute, and abroad.
We are also pleased to share that most of our new overseas hires will be fully vaccinated by the start of school.
As we know, having a vaccine does not make one immune to the virus. We continue to make the campus a safe environment for our community with our usual safeguards.
Remote Learning at
KIS International School

Child Protection
At KIS we are committed, in line with our mission statement, to creating a safe and supportive environment in which our students can feel secure in all of their experiences within the school community. All members of the community should at all times show respect and understanding for an individual’s rights, safety and welfare, and understand that all play a role in the safeguarding of our students, conducting themselves in a way that follows the law and reflects the ethos and values of the school.
It is our duty to ensure that arrangements are in place for safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, to work together with other organizations and partners in order to achieve this and to protect and keep students safe whilst in our care. We fully acknowledge our responsibilities for child protection and recognize that through our day to day contact with students that school staff are well placed to identify signs of risk and harm. We recognize that for students, high self- esteem, confidence, risk awareness and good lines of communication help to reduce risks. We recognize that for some students, school may be the only stable, secure and consistent environment in their lives.
All members of the KIS community will be made aware of the role and responsibilities of the school with regards to safeguarding and promoting student welfare, and of the existence of the school’s Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy and related documentation in Parent and Staff handbooks, in the KIS policy manual, via the school website and KIS blogs and through initial hiring, orientation and admissions procedures.
Parents also play an essential role, too. Please contact the school counsellors should you see or have any concerns about student welfare relating to child protection.
The full Child Protection policy and procedures can be accessed through the parents’ portal.
Safety Measures at KIS
KIS is a ‘Child Safe’ School. Our Child Protection and Safeguarding policies and procedures have been commended by the Council of International Schools. There are clear guidelines for all community members regarding expectations when working and interacting with our students to ensure their safety and well being whilst in our care. Training is provided for all staff to ensure they are aware of our child protection protocol. These guidelines also outline and support the protocol of reporting any child protection issue and there is systems in place to guide and work them through.
Fire Drills (Evacuations)
Fire drills are held in the first and the third terms of the school year. The first drill is announced to staff and accompanies a week of preparations including practicing what to do in case of an emergency. If we are not satisfied with the results of a drill (e.g. time taken to evacuate buildings or students not attentive), additional drills are scheduled. If you are on the school grounds when the alarm sounds you should:
- Remain calm and head for the nearest exit out of the building.
- Meet in the designated “safe zone” on the school field.
- Do not start looking for your child.
- Do not attempt to stop and ask staff where your child is because every staff member has important duties to perform to ensure that all the children are evacuated safely. These small delays put all students in jeopardy.
In case of an actual emergency, students will be transported from the “safe zone” to the Kesinee Ville clubhouse as soon as all students are accounted for. You will be contacted to pick up your child from there.
Lock Down Drills
We also practice a “lock down” procedure, which is practiced annually. Students and teachers become familiar with this exercise which provides a safe method of accountability in the case of a security breach. If you are on campus during this procedure, proceed to the closest room and participate in the drill.