Parent's Role
KIS Parents Association (KISPA)
The mission of the KIS parents association (KISPA) is to serve as a communication channel between parents and school. KISPA assists in promoting education and the welfare of students while also strengthening and supporting the school community. KISPA has representatives in each year group and meets monthly to organize activities that support a wide range of school activities including book week activities, trips, parties, social activities, etc. KISPA’s President also serves as a member of the school Executive Board. KISPA leadership meets monthly with the Head of School in the spirit of good, two-way communication. Divisional principals also organize regular meetings/coffees with grade level KISPA representatives.
All parents are invited to make use of the KISPA office/lounge in room A120 between the first and second floor of the Primary School. Please use the KISPA lounge for meeting other parents, to sit and relax, have a cup of coffee or just talk and socialize with other parents – just pick up the key from the Assistant to the Primary Principal and return it when leaving.
The Role of the Parent

Provide a quiet time and a place to read, study and complete homework each day.
Help with homework but don’t do it for them. If there are any problems, encourage your child to ask their teacher for help.
Provide resources to support learning; books, the internet and dictionaries all assist with homework.
Ask your child questions and show an interest each day in their school life.
Attend parent teacher conferences, meetings and events; be a part of our community.
Maintain contact with teachers and discuss your child’s progress.
Check your email to see if any messages have been sent from school.
Check Primary School Class Blogs/ManageBac/Seesaw regularly for information.
Reinforce literacy skills at home, in both English and mother tongue.
Inform the school nurse of any significant change in your child’s health. Inform the nurse of all medications to be taken during school hours and leave all medication with the nurse each day.
Read and follow the guidelines in the Pandemic Handbook.
Let us know if your child has any allergies and/or health conditions.
Inform the counsellor if there are any family circumstances that could impact your child’s performance or behaviour at school.
Inform us of any change of address, telephone number, or emergency contact information.
Inform us when you plan to be away from home and designate who is responsible for your family in the case of an emergency.
Call 02 274 3444, or send a note if your child will be absent or late.
Request assignments when your child is away from school for more than a day, and encourage them to phone classmates to obtain additional information about missed work.
Arrange holidays and vacations so that your child doesn’t miss school.
Make sure your child arrives at school on time. Supervise your child’s departure time from home so they don’t arrive at school before 7:30 am for Primary. Secondary School Students are encouraged to arrive between 7:20 and 7:30 so they are adequately prepared for the school day. The school can only provide limited levels of supervision prior to 7:15. Note that these times may be adjusted for the re-opening during the COVID-19 pandemic.