Policies & Procedures
Learning Languages
By choosing our school to nurture, support and develop your child’s learning, you have chosen English as their language of instruction. Each child will enter the programme with different levels of understanding, ability and therefore placement on the language learning continuum, from native speaker to beginner.
In many cases, we will need to work together in partnership to ensure the success of your child’s language learning in the programme.
Language Policy Statement
We believe that language is integral in the development of personal identity and in the development of cultural understanding. It underpins the foundation of thinking and the development of rich clear self expression enabling people to examine their own and others’ experiences, feelings and ideas, giving them order and meaning; it is the process by which meaning and knowledge are negotiated and constructed. Language is also essential for communication and cognitive growth; therefore, language proficiency is seen as a vital component for the development of children’s intellectual, social and emotional development. Competence in language enables people to function in society and to fulfill their potential as individuals and as lifelong learners. With this in mind, we aim to produce literate children capable of a wide variety of useful and meaningful methods of communication.
It is important to note that knowledge of a second language is an essential element of the International Baccalaureate programmes.

Many of you will have made the decision to bring up your children as bilingual, and have decided that they will be schooled in a language other than their native tongue. Your children may require ongoing support and encouragement throughout their schooling to be successful in their language acquisition. The supportive role of the family is essential for children in developing the confidence to express themselves, take risks and become proficient speakers and learners in another language.
Mother tongue and additional language support
The promotion of first or mother tongue languages are encouraged in the home environment; parents are informed of the necessity to continue the development of their native language(s). Supporting mother tongue provides an emotional component as the child maintains their own cultural identity and their native language is valued. Academic benefits include the transference of linguistic structures and thinking skills from one language to another providing essential links and scaffolds for language proficiency. We support first language acquisition and will assist in arranging mother tongue or additional language support classes whenever possible upon request.
English as the language of inclusion
English is not only viewed as our language of instruction, it is also promoted as the language of inclusion. Students from many linguistic backgrounds come together to learn in our community, with English being the common language of all students. As a school, all students should feel valued as members of the community, so to ensure inclusion and a sense of belonging students are encouraged to communicate with each other in their shared language, English, during the school day.
English as the language of instruction
English is our language of instruction for all curriculum areas other than the language programmes. It is therefore essential that students have a level of English proficiency that allows them to access the curriculum and participate in classroom activities. All homeroom and subject teachers experienced at working with both native and second language learners, providing differentiated instruction within the classroom to cater to the different levels of student learning.
Dropping Off Students
Primary School
It is essential that students arrive at school on time to allow a smooth beginning to the day for all concerned, it is both disruptive to students in class and to your child if they arrive late. In many instances the attendance, welcome circles and discussions first thing in the morning include important information for the day, so if your child misses this it can be unsettling and disrupt their daily routine. We appreciate your understanding and efforts to have your child at school on time.
- Students can be dropped off on the playground after 7:30 am where they will be supervised by KIS staff until the bell at 7:50 am (this is a great opportunity to socialize with other students before the day starts).
- Students arriving early should not enter their classroom before 7:50 am
- If students arrive before 7:30 am, you are responsible for supervising them until the teacher on duty arrives. Supervision on the playground is provided from 7:30 am – 7:50 am.
Supervision is provided for bus students who may arrive early.
Secondary School
Classes begin at 7:40 am each day and the expectation is that the students will be in their first classroom and ready to begin work at this time. During the first few minutes the register will be taken and any notices about the day’s proceedings will be given. It is recommended that students arrive at least 15 minutes before the beginning of the school day. Arrival time for students should be no later than 7:30 am so they have time to get organized, relax and prepare for their first lesson.
Late Arrivals
It is extremely important that students arrive on time as their lateness disrupts others and puts them at a disadvantage at the beginning of the day. If a student arrives more than 10 minutes late, (After 8:00) they must stop by the office to pick up a ‘late pass’ before going to class. Late passes are not a punishment but a safety measure, as teachers take daily attendance to know whether a child is in school that day.
If a student will be absent for any reason, please contact and inform the school. If students have not arrived by the time class registers are returned to the office, they will be marked absent for that day. If a child is absent two consecutive days and we have not been informed, you can expect a follow-up call.

Extended Leave from School
While it is best that students miss as few school days as possible, we understand that family emergencies may require students to miss consecutive school days. If a student will miss more than 5 consecutive school days, please contact the office to make an appointment to discuss the leave with the Principal. As well as informing us of the absence, this is also an important way for us to advise you about how to keep your child up to date with work they will be missing.
Dismissal | 2:45 – 3:00pm (Secondary School)
Students must leave campus by 3:00 pm unless involved with extracurricular activities or enrolled in our academic support programme. Students may go to the library to study quietly between the end of period 7 (2:45 pm) and the start of their extracurricular programmes. Students have the right to sign themselves out. Students given this privilege who behave inappropriately will have the ability to sign themselves out revoked – and will be asked to attend a meeting to have the privilege reinstated. Students who stay after 3:00 pm are allowed to study in the library. The following exit points and exit conduct must be adhered to:
- On foot: use either of the main school exit gates. Proceed slowly on the main pathways; do not walk in the driveway.
- By bicycle: exit like all other vehicles.
- By car: stop only at the pick-up points for students, proceed slowly until exiting onto the road.
- Students are not permitted to drive to and from school.
- By shuttle van: the shuttle vans will be leaving from the secondary school car park. Students are to wait quietly in the waiting area
- By contracted school van: bus students are to make their way to the designated van which is stationed at the Primary School area.
Picking Up Students (Primary School)
Students not participating in after school activities and leaving school after a regular school day should be picked up directly from the classrooms. Students participating in extracurricular activities should be picked up at the location of their activity. Pick up times are as follows:
EY1: 12:30 pm for regular day or 2:30 pm for extended day
EY2 – Grade 5: 2.30pm Extracurricular activities: 4:00pm
- For safety measures, you are required to bring and use your KIS Smart Card when entering school.
- If you have not received your card by the first week of school, please inform the School Services department. If someone other than yourself is going to pick up your child, please see “going home with other people” for instructions.
- A sign-out folder is located in each classroom. You must sign your child out before leaving school.
- The playground is not supervised after school hours (except between 2:45 pm – 3:00 pm in the area designated for ECA students waiting for after school classes to begin). Students are not allowed to play outside unsupervised at any time.
- If students not participating in extracurricular activities wish to use the playground after school, it is your responsibility to supervise them at all times.
Late Pick Up
Late Pick Up (Primary School)
We encourage prompt pick up of your children but if you are running late, please call the Primary School office to notify us of your situation. After 2:45 pm:
Students will be in after school supervision in the PYP Library. You are required to sign your child out before leaving.
- The fee for supervision is charged in 15 minute increments.
- Supervision provides a room and supervisors for students to wait, it is not an after-school option.
- Students in after school supervision must remain
in the room until signed out and picked up by an
authorized adult. - Parents and students should leave promptly.
If a consistent pattern of arriving late develops, please expect a call to discuss alternatives that might help improve the situation.
Going Home With Other People
If you need to arrange for someone other than a person with a KIS smart card to pick up your children, please call the Primary School office ahead of time, & provide the following info:
- Names of all students being picked up.
- Their class level.
- The name and surname of the person picking themup.
- A Thai ID card or passport or any forms of photo ID card of the person picking the children up (which must be presented at the guard’s desk in exchange for the visitor tag before entering the school).
All people without the KIS smart card are considered “school visitors” and need to do the following when picking up another person’s child:
- Fill in the visitor’s form at the guard’s desk.
- Obtain a “visitor tag” before entering campus.
- Return the “visitor tag” at the guard’s desk whenleaving the campus.
Students will not be allowed to go home with relatives, drivers, nannies, parents of a classmate, unless:
- The person’s name and photo are registered in the school’s smart card system.
- You have properly notified us that a non-authorized person (no KIS smart card) may pick up your child and we have been able to contact an authorized person to verify the situation.
This policy will be adhered to stringently and we hope you will cooperate with our efforts to ensure the safety of your children. If you need to obtain a new Parent / Guardian smart card for another person or replace a lost card, please contact the School Services department.